How to Start Import Export Business in India
Anyone starting a business in the 21st century needs to cover certain bases, like creating a website as well as social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and a host of others.So you want to sell to the world? You’ve come to the right place.setting up an import/export business can be ridiculously simple and very profitable. Here are ways to make it happen.
So here’s your first step: Get the basics in order. This means registering your business with the state in which your will be located, registering a domain name, getting any business licenses you need to legally operate, and so on.
Select Your Business Name and Set up a Website and Blog
Without a website or blog, you can’t have a networked import/export business. Get yourself a platform that allows you to develop a presence online and grow your business beyond your wildest imagination.
Pick a Product to Import or Export
When it comes to importing and exporting, you cannot be all things to all customers. Decide on something and stick with it.
You have two viable reasons for choosing a product to import or export: you know it will sell or you like it.
Find the Right Market
You’ve selected a product; now you must look for someplace to sell it! You will improve your odds of picking a winner if you cultivate a knack for tracking trends or even spotting potential trends.
Source a Supplier
Once you have a likely import or export product in mind, learn everything there is to know about it.
Price the Product
The business model for an import/export business is based on two critical elements within the international sales operation.
- Volume (number of units sold).
- Commission on that volume.
The more you sell, the more you make. Keep your product pricing separate from logistics because, at some point, you combine the two to determine a landed price per unit. A good transportation company can assist here. Don’t let this part intimidate you!
Find Customers
Provided you have done a good job with search engine optimization on your blog or website, customers will find you. But don’t rely on it. You should also go hunting for customers! Check with local contacts, such as trade organizations, Chambers of Commerce, embassies, and trade consulates.
Transport Your Products
Your next step is to focus on logistics — transporting the product to where you will be selling it. By now, you have located a customer who loves your product, solidified the terms of the sale with them and established a means for getting paid. Now you must move your product.
Provide Great Global Customer Service
The relationship between you and your overseas customer shouldn’t end when a sale is made. If anything, it requires more of your attention.
Therefore, starting an Import Export Business in India can be a very good source of income generation if executed properly.
B2B Export Import Academy are committed to getting your business started on the right foot by providing comprehensive CA/CS/Legal Services necessary to start an Import Export business like Company Registration, GST Registration, PAN Card Registration as well as, IEC Registration.